Dylan Thomas

Poetry is what in a poem makes you laugh, cry, prickle, be silent, makes your toenails twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in the unknown world, that you bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own. - Dylan Thomas

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Life in Scenes

Morning squinted through crunchy eyes, was that sunshine? I rose slipping on socks and taking the dog to the back door listening to her tapdance on the hard floors. As I passed the table Jack smacked his lips appreciating the corn flakes and milk that he was downing. Soon Pam came through the living room arch folding the screen and setting it off to the side. She bore a smile and a loud greeting to Jack so he could hear her. I shut and locked the bathroom door and sat to pee and awaken. When I finished I located a pristine white face cloth and held it to my eyes with steaming hot water. The crunchies were melting and I was able to see my face. My right cheek had fossils imprinted from the pillow case. Aging is for all no matter how you perceive it or receive it. I embrace the changes with wry humor and great anticipation of increased wisdom and insight.
"Coffee" cries my very essence and so I leave the small sanctuary and grind my beans. The french press waits my tending it, and I pour out the old grounds and run hot water through it and the filter over and over til it suits then the ground beans go in. Jenna had turned on the water before she left so I soon had a cup of lovely organic coffee with stevia and creamer. It was just the right strength and taste. This would be a good morning. Pam was talking to Jack and telling him what was on the agenda for the day. I spoke little but hummed a stanza over and over as I enjoyed the headlines of the crumpled paper from yesterday and the coffee. I had recently attempted to cut back on my coffee comsumption and it only made each sip more delectible. Sigh.
I studied my husband's face as he listened to Pam and now and again would look at me. He seemed smaller and less vital than the week before. Soon he was asking questions about the very subject Pam had just covered. "Where are you going and who will be with me?" I located the white board and put it in clear black on the white. First the date and day of the week, then Jenna's schedule, then mine and then Pam's with any highlites of special activities for him. His next question was "When do we go to the chiropractor? Do we go today?" I answer somewhat impatiently but knowing it did not good to expect him to remember."Tomorrow and a shower too. You wash up today okay?"
Later I looked at my calendar to see what day we go for a shot to the clinic. His B-12 shot only took about 20 minutes of time but he liked to go to the treatment room. Not until the 3rd of next month. Okay, Tim should arrive soon and Pam and I then go out for a few errands. She to put in an application and I to a list and a bill to pay. I got dressed and put on my make-up. The fossil lines are less noticeable now. I must have slept really hard. Quickly I threw in a load of towels and took a load of Jenna's stuff out of the dryer and laid them on her bed in the living room. The blinds were open and Price is Right blared on the tv. Pam was watching it with him and running a commentary to try to engage him. I never do that. Detest those game shows usually and that one in particular. This guy was not Bob Barker.
Outside was my dirty Buick waiting for me to clean the floors out. We spend so much time in that car and it shows. I grab a bag and head out to make it less objectionable. I would dump it in the trash but Jenna forgot to take it to the street while I was gone so..I tuck it in amongst the bags overflowing the dumpster. Life gets so complex when we don't do the simple things that make it work better. Things like dishes, wiping the bathroom mirror, folding the clothes as they come out of the dryer and putting them away, taking out the meat from the freezer the night before, dusting, and taking out the trash. I know it is easy to get too busy or make an excuse. I lived that way for years and played catch up. On occasion I still do for things like putting the mail away right when I get it so later I am not searching for a bill I can't find or putting my glasses in the case instead of some wierd off the wall place I will not remember like on top of a stack of magazines where they blend in. Sigh
Off we go. Tim is with Jack and we have 3 hours to accomplish all the list. We do it laughing and with small periods of silence. I try not to think of all the homework I have yet to do and the laundry that is still in the bedroom. The day is well in hand. A day like none other and a day like all days.

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