Dylan Thomas

Poetry is what in a poem makes you laugh, cry, prickle, be silent, makes your toenails twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in the unknown world, that you bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own. - Dylan Thomas

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Millie Died Today

Millie was my brother's faithful and unique dog that he had for over 15 years. She recently developed Cushings Disease and began to fail. I was fortunate to say goodbye to her last Saturday and I had tears in my eyes as she was part of our lives for a good long time. My son's dog Hobbz is nearly the same age, maybe 6 months younger and he is slowing down.
Millie was a constant companion to my brother all these years and the thing about dogs is they just love their masters. Millie has been a good companion to my mother as well. She called me to tell me about Millie slipping away this morning. John has kept vigil for a week or more with Millie in a chair a lot of the time. She was not in great pain but just lost energy and vitality. My brother is taking Millie's death like anyone who loved their dog a lot. I am sad for the loss.
She was quite a dog. She wanted to be the leader of the pack and wouldn't let other dogs be in charge. She loved to hunt and be outside but had every chair and sofa in Mom's house full of hair so felt right at home there. I will think of her chasing rabbits and coming for a pat when I arrived to visit. I will think of John's deep love for her and his love of dogs. She will be missed!

1 comment:

Jennalu said...

Sad! Jack just told me a little while ago about Millie! It is hard to loose a faithful companion! I thought he said Hobbz and I ran to the back door to go out and then I said who?