Dylan Thomas

Poetry is what in a poem makes you laugh, cry, prickle, be silent, makes your toenails twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in the unknown world, that you bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own. - Dylan Thomas

Friday, February 27, 2009


Sometimes things are blurry for a long time. You are just not sure of something that others see so clearly. Trying to survive each day is hard enough without figuring out someone else's motives or discerning their tactics. I have never been good at deciding others motives. So I have been around people over the years who have really fooled me. I do not pretend that I am any better at this today than I was in the past. However I do know the scriptural principles better as each year passes and that helps me to choose my behavior carefully and try to go directly to the point when I see that it is time.

When my gifts are assessed for within the church I come out high in "pastoring" others and believe me it is a small group of sheep. I do not pretend that I am ready to take on what others have done and become a real minister of the gospel. However I do lead and guide a few and I try to be real above all else. I hate pretense and artifice and prefer real any day so I try to stay real. Oh that doesn't mean I don't wear make-up or enjoy a time of avoiding my daily grind by taking on a day of being really away. Those type of pretense I can go with. I mean the kind that is acting all religious and pompous and being a flaming hypocrite. I hate that and don't want to be that. I am really not a perfected human. I am 62 years old and still a work in progress. Some might even say "a piece of work" in progress!

My goal for the future is to keep gaining clarity. I want to have more discernment based on scripture and not that ephemeral floating around above your head gift that some claim. I may get involved with some folks that disturb my peace and have not got pure motives but I want to realize it sooner and deal with it clean and with grace.

One thing for sure. The pictures of my grandbabies in St. Louis are beautiful. I still have enough clarity to brag up my babies!

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